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A global leader in manufacturing Custom GFRC Machines
GFRC Continuous Mixer
For our high-production part-making clients, there is literally nothing like this in the market
RimCraft RimCaster Continuous Mixer

RimCraft RimCaster Continuous GRFC Mixer is designed for high production part-making, using even the most fast-reacting cement, allowing for ultra-fast mold turnover.
Our fluid is injected, rather than poured, through an offset orifice into the powder stream creating a premix for significantly better mix. Spinning slender blades within the mix chamber allows you to use fast reactive cement materials.
You can complete your parts as quickly as you can feed the conveyor with molds. This allows de-molding in under an hour.
Unhooking the injection line to clean it is unnecessary, thereby providing you with a much faster cleanup time
3HP direct gear drive continuous mixer, chassis mounted with rear hinge for hopper clean-out
3 Phase 208/230 electric power. 20 ft. power cord (specify plug)
Water tight control box with Variable Speed Inverter Drive
AC motor controlled triple diaphragm pump for water, polymer and plasticizer injection in the mix chamber with clean water purge
20 CFM @ 90 PSI air, fresh water (garden hose hook-up) and 208/230V 3 phase 20 amp circuit required
Battery operated digital flow meter with liquid flow control mounted on operator reachable swing arm including on/off/on toggle switch for powder only or powder and liquid together
Toggle switch controls mixer motor and liquid injector
Bypass switch for liquid only or fresh water purge
Material hopper with removable metering screw for easy clean-out
E-Z to remove metering bushing
Metering screw with breaker bars
Pneumatic Hopper Vibrator
Rear Drive Hopper Door Clean-out
Additional metering screws available with various outputs
Metering bushing
Also Available: Purchase RimCaster and Ground Hopper for continuous filling and pouring
Also Available: For alternate application, purchase RimCaster with our GFRC Sprayer for continuous spraying
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